
System32 logilda.dll not found
System32 logilda.dll not found

system32 logilda.dll not found

Symptom 1: “KERNE元2.dll not found” error screen on startup The error messages, alerts, warnings, and symptoms below are tied to this error. The following information on this error has been compiled by NeoSmart Technologies, based on the information gathered and reported by our global network of engineers, developers, and technicians or partner organizations. 3.3 Fix #3: Check the hard drive with CHKDSK utility.3.2 Fix #2: Repair corrupted system files with the SFC command.3 Fixing “KERNE元2.dll not found” on Windows.2.1 Cause 1: KERNE元2.dll file is corrupt or missing.1.2 Symptom 1: “KERNE元2.dll not found” error screen on startup.

System32 logilda.dll not found