If you fail to be helpful with my lack of information I will start a new thread unnecessarily and insult your attempt to help." Is this the intended way you would like your posting perceived? I am expecting you to tell me what mod I need for the server with a rather generic name. I am also not going to tell you the error. Your post can be paraphrased as "I am connecting to Resident Evil server but I'm not going to tell you what the IP or any of the information as to how I found this server. You fail to provide details then insult the folks who ask them in an attempt to help is rather rude and not a very mature attitude to adopt in this world. How about not being insulting those trying to help you when you have not bothered to get the right files necessary (per your own commenting) to connect to said server? That would be helpful How about listing the server details? Some smart arse couldn't help me so i need someone who actually knows about computers We can use NirCmd to run a program, script or batch file in hidden mode.Command bar glitchduring the game the command bar opens and scrolls down hundreds of commands. We’ve covered NirCmd many times in the past on our site. NirCmd is a multipurpose command-line automation utility from the third-party vendor Nirsoft. CMD files hidden (invisible mode) Using NirCmd RELATED: How to Automatically Elevate a Batch file to Run it as Administrator? -and- VBScripts and UAC elevation (Run as administrator) Running. Double-click to run the launch_bat.vbs file, which in-turn launches the batch file syncfiles.bat invisibly.BAT file name and path accordingly, and save the file. Note: Replace the batch file name/path accordingly in the script according to your requirement. WshShell.Run chr(34) & "C:\Batch Files\syncfiles.bat" & Chr(34), 0 Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") Let’s launch it in hidden mode using Windows Scripting. Let’s say we have a file named syncfiles.bat in C:\Batch Files directory. Setting intWindowStyle parameter to 0 hides the window. Here is a sample Windows script code that launches a batch file named syncfiles.bat invisibly. Windows Script Host’s Run Method allows you run a program or script in invisible mode. CMD files hidden (invisible mode) Using Script Double-click the shortcut to run the batch file in a minimized window state.In the Run: drop down, choose Minimized.Right click on the shortcut and choose Properties.To do so, right click on the file, click Send To, Desktop (create shortcut) To run a batch file in a minimized window state, follow these steps: